Selected Literature
Set-up of a new rapid immunochromatographic diagnostic test for a Rotavirus detection. D. Van Beers , M. DE Foor , R. Viehoff , D. Col , M. Venuti and T. Leclipteux.Progress in Clinical Virology III , Bologne , Septembre 1997.
2. Detection of rotavirus in faecal specimens with a monoclonal antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay : comparison with polyclonal antibody enzyme-immunoessays and a latex agglutination test. Sneyers et al.Comp. Immun. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. , vol 12 , n°4 , pp 95-104 , 1989
3. Comparison of Three Rapid Immunoassays for the Detectiono of Rotavirus Antigen in Stool Samples I. Van der Donck et al. ESCV Winter Meeting 1999, Rotterdam, the Netherlands